Case Studies

MJT v SET – 2020/FAM/div/00

The Respondent submits that the Petitioner earns enough salary to afford to pay her a lump sum of $250,000.00. She submits that she sacrificed her life to her family, all her infirmities and missteps aside. It is very difficult to apply the sharing principled as set out in the cited cased of Miller v Miller/McFarlane v McFarlane (206) UKHL 24. This was definitely not a marriage of equals nor one of partnership.   Read the full case ruling >>



In civil cases, a case must be proved on a balance of probabilities and is not as strict as the criminal burden of proof which requires a case to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. In the instant case, I have considered both the evidence of the Plaintiff and the Defendant, and I find the Defendant’s evidence to be more credible that that of the Plaintiff.    Read the full case ruling >>

Twenty Twenty & Associates